Every Church exists for a purpose. The First
Church, the Church of Adam existed to uphold the
covenant of Eden. The Adamic Church lasted for
the 930 years that Adam lived – nearly a millennium
(Genesis 5:5).
The Second Church, the Church of Enoch, lasted to
warn people of the flood – which came during the
time of Enoch’s descendant Noah. These
prophecies are documented in the Books of Enoch
and Noah – which are also read and respected in
the Seventh Church.
The Third Church, the Church of Abraham existed
to fulfill God’s covenant with Abraham. This
included the enslavement and liberation of his
descendants in a foreign land (Genesis 15:13-14).
Like the second Church, this Church lasted 1000
The Fourth Church was the Church of Solomon. It
instituted the worship of God in the temple, and it
was Solomon who built the temple. This Church
also lasted 1000 years.
The period between Adam and Jesus Christ adds
to nearly 4000 years. Each 1000 years had a
Church and a covenant. Many observers noted that
every 1000 years, a significant event took place
relating to God’s word. In the year 1000 AD, there
was no true Church in the world, and the world
entered what even secular people would call: “The
Dark Ages”.
It is for this reason that some people mistakenly
believed that Jesus Christ would return in the year
2000 AD. They had some idea of the covenants but
did not understand the nature of the second
The truth however is that in the year AD 2000, they
entered the Sabbatical years or the seventh
millennium. This is within the time of the Seventh
Church, and the Seventh Covenant. Jesus Christ
has come already. What is now awaited is the Day
of the Lord, the time when the world will be
destroyed by fire – as happened in Noah’s time –
with water.
The Day of the Lord is the day that comes with the
battle that is referred to as Armageddon – as
depicted in Revelations 20:7-9.
The Day of the Lord paves way for the New Heaven
and the New Earth. Rev (21:1, Isaiah 66:22, 2 Peter
3:13). The purpose of the Seventh Church, the
Church of Elijah is to minister to the world prior to
the Day of the Lord – just as Noah did prior to the
The prophet Malachi speaks of the coming of Elijah
before the Day of the Lord. (Malachi 4:5). After the
day of the Lord, the earth will continue to be
inhabited by peoples from all nations. These will be
the survivors.
Every Church exists for a purpose. The First
Church, the Church of Adam existed to uphold the
covenant of Eden. The Adamic Church lasted for
the 930 years that Adam lived – nearly a millennium
(Genesis 5:5).
The Second Church, the Church of Enoch, lasted to
warn people of the flood – which came during the
time of Enoch’s descendant Noah. These
prophecies are documented in the Books of Enoch
and Noah – which are also read and respected in
the Seventh Church.
The Third Church, the Church of Abraham existed
to fulfill God’s covenant with Abraham. This
included the enslavement and liberation of his
descendants in a foreign land (Genesis 15:13-14).
Like the second Church, this Church lasted 1000
The Fourth Church was the Church of Solomon. It
instituted the worship of God in the temple, and it
was Solomon who built the temple. This Church
also lasted 1000 years.
The period between Adam and Jesus Christ adds
to nearly 4000 years. Each 1000 years had a
Church and a covenant. Many observers noted that
every 1000 years, a significant event took place
relating to God’s word. In the year 1000 AD, there
was no true Church in the world, and the world
entered what even secular people would call: “The
Dark Ages”.
It is for this reason that some people mistakenly
believed that Jesus Christ would return in the year
2000 AD. They had some idea of the covenants but
did not understand the nature of the second
The truth however is that in the year AD 2000, they
entered the Sabbatical years or the seventh
millennium. This is within the time of the Seventh
Church, and the Seventh Covenant. Jesus Christ
has come already. What is now awaited is the Day
of the Lord, the time when the world will be
destroyed by fire – as happened in Noah’s time –
with water.
The Day of the Lord is the day that comes with the
battle that is referred to as Armageddon – as
depicted in Revelations 20:7-9.
The Day of the Lord paves way for the New Heaven
and the New Earth. Rev (21:1, Isaiah 66:22, 2 Peter
3:13). The purpose of the Seventh Church, the
Church of Elijah is to minister to the world prior to
the Day of the Lord – just as Noah did prior to the
The prophet Malachi speaks of the coming of Elijah
before the Day of the Lord. (Malachi 4:5). After the
day of the Lord, the earth will continue to be
inhabited by peoples from all nations. These will be
the survivors.
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