Thursday, 29 October 2015


It is fair to ask how human beings will survive a fire,
but believers know that Shadrack, Meshack, and
Abednego survived the furnace. The book of Isaiah
shows the survivors of the new earth – keeping the
Sabbath and walking amidst the burning bodies
(Isaiah 66:2). Yes, in this time, God’s people should
keep the Sabbath and his commandments as they
await that day.
Through the Seventh Church, the Lord God will
provide the necessary means to facilitate the
survival of the people into the New Earth.
It is important to point out that the New Earth will be
inhabited by those who will be alive when the Lord
comes to burn the wicked (Jude 14, 2 Peter 3:1-17,
Isaiah 13:9, Joel 2:30-31).
The prophet Elijah is God’s messenger. He has
come to the world in various occasions. Limiting
ourselves to the Bible that most read, Bible readers
know the story of Elijah ministering in the earth and
eventually ascending to heaven. Speaking after this
event, Malachi speaks of the prophet Elijah coming
again (Malachi 4:5).
It is important to remember that Elijah is a spirit
being – comparable to an angel. The same applies
to the Son of God, Immanuel. Like many other
names in the Bible, both names contain the word
“El” – which means God. Elijah means God is God
or My God is Jehovah. Immanuel means God is
with us – as is explained in Isaiah 7:14.
When a heavenly being or angel is sent to dwell in
the earth, he or she is born in flesh like any other
human being. The angel may be given an entirely
different name in the earth, and may be given any
other ordinary name. Immanuel was born Yeshua
(or Joshua) . Yeshua is Hebrew, while Jesus is the
Greek version of the same name (Luke 2:21).
Joshua is a very ordinary Hebrew name which
means the “Lord is my Savior”. African languages
such as Kiswahili speak of Yesu – which is actually
closer to the original Yeshua.
Even when referring to the name Jesus, it is
important to remember that there is more than one
person in the Bible who go by that name. Acts
speaks of Jesus Justus (Colossians 4:11) and a
magician, Bar Jesus (Acts 13:6-12).
Thus, when Jesus speaks of John the Baptist being
Elijah, he means that the spirit of Elijah was born in
the flesh and named John. It is for the same reason
that the angel Gabriel speaks of John going before
the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias (Luke 1:17,
John the Baptist was beheaded and Jesus carried
on ministering. Still Elijah did appear again
alongside Jesus and Moses (Matt 17:3). This
happened after the death of John the Baptist but
still the same spirit appeared again.
At that same place, the question is asked again:
“Why do the teachers of the law say that Elias must
come first?” Jesus replies: “Elias truly shall come
and restore all things”. He further adds that Elias
has comes already. With this connection between
the past and future tense the disciples are able to
conclude that Jesus is talking about John the
Elias therefore comes to restore all things. The time
for restoration would come in future (Acts 3:21).
The Day of the Lord remains a future event to this
day. Acts 3:21 says that Jesus remains in heaven
until the time of restoration, the times of Elijah. This
links Elijah ministry to the second coming – which is
further examined in chapter 5.
In Chapter 19 of Isaiah there is God’s promise to
Egypt (Isaiah 19:20). That he would send a mighty
savior there at a time of oppression. These events
have taken place in Africa already. Africa went
through great oppression by way of colonial rule
and even slavery.
A messenger of God was born in Southern
Rhodesia on October 1, 1914 AD. Great wonders
were seen in that land and elsewhere on the
continent - and continue to unfold worldwide.
The majority people of Africa and the world do not
know that everlasting Gospel (Rev 14:6-7) is in their
midst. This should not surprise. While Jesus
ministered in one nation, few people there got to
know or understand who he was.
God has made himself known to Africa through his
messenger John the Baptist – who received
heavenly baptism in 1932 AD and then began his
While Rome was able to crash the Church of the
apostles of Christ, the Word of God that came to
Africa withstood the might of Britain – when Britain
when Britain was most powerful. This was at that
time that the British Empire was so vast, that it was
a geographical fact that the sun could never set on
the British Empire at any given time.
John the Baptist in African language would be and
is referred to as Johane or Jowani. John is derived
from the Hebrew name Yohanan – which denotes
the grace of God to mankind.
Through Africa, the Word of God will go to other
nations (Isaiah 19:24), and eventually Israel will
rank 3rd. This is the opposite of what the situation
was in the past. Even Jesus warned Israel that
someday they would hear of him from other nations
(Matt 23:37).



Every Church exists for a purpose. The First
Church, the Church of Adam existed to uphold the
covenant of Eden. The Adamic Church lasted for
the 930 years that Adam lived – nearly a millennium
(Genesis 5:5).
The Second Church, the Church of Enoch, lasted to
warn people of the flood – which came during the
time of Enoch’s descendant Noah. These
prophecies are documented in the Books of Enoch
and Noah – which are also read and respected in
the Seventh Church.
The Third Church, the Church of Abraham existed
to fulfill God’s covenant with Abraham. This
included the enslavement and liberation of his
descendants in a foreign land (Genesis 15:13-14).
Like the second Church, this Church lasted 1000
The Fourth Church was the Church of Solomon. It
instituted the worship of God in the temple, and it
was Solomon who built the temple. This Church
also lasted 1000 years.
The period between Adam and Jesus Christ adds
to nearly 4000 years. Each 1000 years had a
Church and a covenant. Many observers noted that
every 1000 years, a significant event took place
relating to God’s word. In the year 1000 AD, there
was no true Church in the world, and the world
entered what even secular people would call: “The
Dark Ages”.
It is for this reason that some people mistakenly
believed that Jesus Christ would return in the year
2000 AD. They had some idea of the covenants but
did not understand the nature of the second
The truth however is that in the year AD 2000, they
entered the Sabbatical years or the seventh
millennium. This is within the time of the Seventh
Church, and the Seventh Covenant. Jesus Christ
has come already. What is now awaited is the Day
of the Lord, the time when the world will be
destroyed by fire – as happened in Noah’s time –
with water.
The Day of the Lord is the day that comes with the
battle that is referred to as Armageddon – as
depicted in Revelations 20:7-9.
The Day of the Lord paves way for the New Heaven
and the New Earth. Rev (21:1, Isaiah 66:22, 2 Peter
3:13). The purpose of the Seventh Church, the
Church of Elijah is to minister to the world prior to
the Day of the Lord – just as Noah did prior to the
The prophet Malachi speaks of the coming of Elijah
before the Day of the Lord. (Malachi 4:5). After the
day of the Lord, the earth will continue to be
inhabited by peoples from all nations. These will be
the survivors.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


From Kalenjin dialects again we find examples of
the usage of “ka” in many names of places.
Examples include: Kabarnet (Barnet’s place) or
Kabarak (an elevated place). This is not only so in
Kalenjin language but many other African
languages. In Ateso, the language of the Iteso
people of Kenya and Uganda, Kaukotoit, like
Kabarak means an elevated place. From these
examples it would not be difficult to deduce that
Karachuonyo in Luo language means “Rachuonyo’s
Over the years, Africa has experienced migrations.
At the same time immigrations took place by way of
colonialism and the Arab conquests of North Africa
to cite a few examples.
Despite these, the prophetic meanings of Ham,
Cush, and Egypt remain. The Egyptians are the
descendants of Mizriam and Ham – regardless of
where they reside today.
The same applies to Israel for instance. Israel was
the name of a person who was also called Jacob.
Today, Israel are a nation of people living inside
and outside the country that we call Israel.
Similarly Gikuyu was a name of a man. His
descendants are now called Kikuyu (or Agikuyu).
From Isaiah 19:20, some Bible readers still argue
that the savior sent to Egypt was Jesus, because in
their opinion, Jesus was sent to all nations. As shall
be clarified in the next chapters, the same Bible
does not support this logic. Jesus Christ, at the time
of his life in the earth was sent to minister to one
nation only. Israel. At no time was Jesus sent to
Egypt to minister to people, or to rescue people
who were being oppressed, as Isaiah indicates.
That Jesus Christ is the son of God is not in
dispute. He is. In this time we are saved not by
believing in Jesus only, but the Father, the Son,
and Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19). The present times are
those of the Father and even Jesus taught people
to worship the Father (John 4:24).
In this time, God’s people are expected not just to
believe in, but work with Jesus. Not just to await his
return, but know that he already has come and is in
our midst.
In this time, like every other time documented in the
Bible, God’s people should be led not by academic
degrees in theology, but the testimony of Jesus, the
spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10). The Word of God is
not an academic discipline. A professor of theology
cannot translate a dream of a pagan let alone a
vision from God.


                             GOD’S PLAN FOR THE LAST CHURCH IN
The birth of Jesus Christ had been foretold by
prophets who came before him. Isaiah 7:14,
contains the promise that God made to the
descendants of David, about Immanuel – who
would be named Jesus Christ. This prophecy is well
known and understood by Bible readers.
The prophet Isaiah also spoke of another savior
who would be sent to the world through a different
nation. In Isaiah 19:20 speaks of a “great savior”
who would be sent to Egypt, the land of Ham
(Psalms 105:27, 106:22), to rescue the
descendants of Ham or the Egyptians. These are
the people who occupy the land of Africa today.
The above prophecy is not well known. Some will
simply assume that it talks about Jesus but this
chapter and the next should clarify this point. To
begin with, the origin and meanings of the word
“Egypt” need to be understood.
In the Bible, Ham is recognized as the ancestor of
African peoples. His sons were called: Cush (or
Ethiopia or Sudan), Mizriam (or Egypt), Phut (Libya)
and Canaan (Gen 10:6).
Apart from Canaan, the above are all African
nations or peoples. If Ham’s descendants settled in
Africa, and Egypt is “the land of Ham”, then “Egypt”
in the Bible clearly points to Africa.
The present day country called Egypt also lies in
Africa. Its Arabic speaking inhabitants call it “Misri”.
Misri is closer to the Hebrew name for Egypt -
“Misr”. Both Misri and Misr are derived from
Mizriam – the son of Ham.
Besides the Bible, the studies of History and
Linguistics also place Ham, Egypt, and Cush in
Africa. Historians classify African peoples in groups
using terms such as “Hamite” or “Cushite”. These
terms are correct to the extent that Ham and Cush
are Bible names for African peoples.
However, going by the biblical logic, it must be
remembered that since Ham was the father of
African peoples, all African nations, and not just
some of them, are in fact Hamitic. The name
Hamite is derived from Ham.
Likewise, the ancient Kingdom of Cush (or Kush)
covered present day Sudan. Historians do not refer
the Sudanic people as “Cushites” but instead use
the name to refer to another group of African
peoples such as the Somali, Borana, and Rendile.
The historians are wrong in their classification
because they simply picked the names as were
used by Dr. Ludwig Kraph. Yet, even in this
mistake, there is still an admission that those called
“Cush” are an African people.
The name Egypt is derived from the Greek word
“aegyptus” – which was in turn derived from
“Hekaptah” – an old name for Egypt. In the
language of the ancient Egyptians, Hekaptah (or
Hwt-ka-ptah) means “home of the god Ptah”. The
prefix “ka” is used in some African languages to
mean “the place of” or “a place of”.
In ancient Egypt, there were many gods. History
tells us that one of these gods was called “Isis”
(pronounced a-i-sis). Isis was the Egyptian sun god.
In Kalenjin language, an African language, “Asis”
remains the name for God as well as the sun to
date. This is evidence that the ancient Egyptians, or
the Egyptians of the Bible times, indeed spoke an
African language. Not Arabic.

Monday, 26 October 2015


The End of the Sixth Church
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, ministered throughout Israel. 
When he was about to ascend
into heaven, he sent out his disciples with a fresh
mandate: “To go to every corner of the world and
minister to people and baptize them in the name of
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt
They did as told and ministered to many peoples. It
is for this reason that people today are able to read
of the great works that God did through them in the
Bible. Evil people had other plans though. They
killed and persecuted God’s people. Paul’s murder
is documented in the Bible, so is the stoning to
death of Stephen. Peter was beheaded in Rome
and Thomas was speared to death in India. John
was killed in Patmos and others followed suit.
These murders helped replace God’s Church with
man’s own designs. Many pagan ways were
introduced and continue to be accepted as
Christianity. Serving God would become a career
like any other – a way to earn a livelihood and even
make a fortune.
For the first time since Eden, God had no prophets
in the earth. Therefore, the Word of God became
something to be read and studied and interpreted
by human beings instead of the Holy Spirit. The role
of the Holy Spirit in ordaining Prophets, Pastors,
Teachers, and Evangelists was eradicated.
Therefore, unlike in the time of Paul and his
colleagues there remained no way of knowing who
had been called to serve – and no way of knowing
God’s will at any given time.
Many changes were instituted. What were
previously pagan festivals replaced the true days of
worship, or holidays for God’s people. It would now
become a popular history that: “Once upon a time,
God spoke to men”. Whatever had changed,
nobody bothered to explain.
The Lord God speaks though his servants before
he acts (Amos 3:7).


The Message of God to Africa and the World, 1932 AD

The word “church” is used variously in our time. A
lot of times people use it to refer to a building –
often one constructed with a cross on its rooftop.
Many other times, the word church is used to refer
to an organization – or Christian denomination.
From the times of Adam to the times of the
apostles, there were six covenants, and therefore
six different Churches. For a Church to be
established there must be a messenger, sent from
above to start it. In this context, Church refers to a
group of people worshiping God under one
This chapter introduces the major theme in this
book: “The seventh covenant, the Church of Elijah”.
It was preceded by the Sixth Church. The Sixth
Church is that of the Disciples of Christ – which
spread over the area of Europe, and parts of what
we presently call the “Middle East” – including
some of the Northern parts of Africa.
This one Church had many congregations – in
various regions or countries. The Bible talks about
the Church in Rome, the Church in Corinth,
Ephesus, and Alexandria among others.
These Churches mentioned by geographical region
were “branches” of congregations of one Church.
Later on, divisions emerged so that the Church in
Alexandria became the Coptic Church, the Church
in Rome became the Roman Catholic Church, and
the churches in Syria also became separate
organizations. The same happened in Greece.
Similar divisions took place elsewhere, resulting in
a number of church organizations that are roughly
of the same age.
Many centuries there would be another division
from the Catholic Church. This brought forth what
are known as the protestant churches. Those
referred to as protestant churches are those church
organizations that came about at the time Martin
Luther and others protested and thereafter.
The Church of the apostles was not the last. Like
the 5 Churches that came before it, it had a limited
lifespan. Eventually it ceased to operate in the
manner that is read in the Bible due to changes in
worship that were brought by human beings and
their rulers, as well as persecutions that resulted in
the deaths of the apostles.
For many years, the world ceased to know the
spoken Word of God – even though various kinds
of Bibles continued to circulate. The people of the
earth ceased to know or work with the testimony of
Jesus, “the Spirit of Prophecy” (Rev 19:10).
For this reason, around 1000 AD, the first
millennium after Jesus Christ, the world entered
what even historians would come to call “The Dark
The world was not to remain in darkness forever.
During some of the darkest moments of the Sixth
Church, the Lord God spoke to the apostle John in
the Island of Patmos – where he had been
imprisoned and was undergoing persecution. The
visions that he saw about the future were recorded
in the book that we call Revelations.
John, like his fellow apostles was a man of God
who had the gospel (or good news) of God. Yet, he
was shown the future - those things that were to
come (Rev 1:1). Revelations is a prophetic book. In
it there is also mention of the events that were
taking place in the church at that time – cautions to
the seven churches – which were then existing in
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis,
Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
The Holy Spirit spoke about the future while also
cautioning the congregations of that time about
their behavior. The Holy Spirit, through prophets
and teachers, still speaks in the same manner
among God’s people today.
In Chapter 14: 6-7, John was shown a mighty angel
coming to preach everlasting gospel to the peoples
of the earth – every tribe and tongue. While John
also had the gospel of God, he was being shown a
future event beyond his lifetime on earth.
John lived around the time of Jesus. At that time,
the message was “The Kingdom of God is near”
(Matt 10:7).
The future angel would be heard saying: “The time
to judge has come” (Rev 14:7). This statement
points to a new era or dispensation. This book is
written in the context of that new era, the last
Church was a prophecy, but is now reality.